
Why would you use a BBS in 2020?
Why would you consider using a BBS in the year 2020? Alistair Ross from New Zealand asks that question for a number of BBS Sysops,...

When technology gives you grief, you rise to the challenge
As many of you know, the Telnet BBS Guide had a number of problems in August 2019. When I did some plugin updates to the...

Telnet BBS Guide Monthly Mailings is moving to Groups.io
If you are not aware, we have run a monthly distribution list for the Telnet BBS Guide on Yahoo Groups (and before that on eGroups)....

DtDNS Permanent Shutdown August 1, 2018
For those Sysops who use DtDNS for dynamic DNS – take note that the service will go away on August 1, 2018. You will need...

The Diamond Mine Online BBS celebrates 25 years
The Diamond Mine BBS (now the Diamond Mine Online) celebrates its 25th anniversary on July 1st. As you may know, it’s the basis for the...

MagiTerm SSH Client Dialing Directory
As time marches forward, we are becoming more and more security conscious. We are moving away from insecure protocols such as Telnet and moving on...

Celebrating our 20th Anniversary!
The Telnet BBS Guide is celebrating our 20th anniversary! We started officially on October 1st in 1997. All month long I’ll be posting about the...

Moving to a new server… and growing pains
Hey folks! After about a year of putting up with a slow poke website, I moved the system to a new host. The site should...

BBSes getting mad props at Lazy Game Reviews!
The Telnet BBS Guide wishes to thank Lazy Game Reviews on YouTube for giving mad, mad props to Bulletin Board Systems including the Telnet BBS...

Access Denied – We know about it!
Isn’t security great? Especially when it messes things up? It appears that either a plugin we use here at the site, or a WordPress upgrade...