
Please update your listing when you make changes!
I’ve noticed a lot of Sysops are making changes to their BBS (new address, change in port numbers, etc.), but are not changing their listing...

Secure Shell – a more secure BBS connection
As time marches on, the Internet is getting to be a scarier place. These days, are you sure you can really trust the connection to...

Social Media and BBSes – Yeah, we co-exist
Running a BBS for nearly 23 years (most of that in the Internet age) has me wondering if BBSes can survive going down the road?...

Getting the bugs out. Does anybody have a can of Raid?
Hey folks! We’re still getting the dreaded “new site” bugs out of the system. As we’re finding them, we’re fixing them! Biggest issue right now...

Testing 1, 2, 3….
Hello, is this thing on? (taps microphone). Wow! What a difference a month makes! At the end of January 2016, my web host sent me...