Telnet: | 3ctime.com |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | fido.alltsk.ru |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Russian BBS.

Telnet: | bbs.animeyo.com |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.archaicbinary.net |
SSH: | bbs.archaicbinary.net |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | SSH, Telnet |
Archaic Binary is an easy to use BBS open to the public. Lots to do! I have created the majority of doors myself, tools available for playing around. Door games locally and via game networks. We have active message areas, local and networked. Advanced security available with SyncTERM using SSH (username/password in SyncTERM is archaic/binary, […]

Telnet: | |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Chinese language BBS

Telnet: | bbs.oldchat.ru |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Created out of nostalgic impulses, written exclusively for telnet, although a modem pool may appear in the future. There is also FTP access.

Telnet: | bbs.byr.cn |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bunnybbs.tw |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | cw.qc.to:9000 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Alternate address: x22.ddns.net Experimental BBS that supports (Atari)ATASCII and (C64)PETSCII. Features: Tools for amateur radio including SKCC sked Hourly area propagation WSPR logs in the area Chat Local ##atari (IRC) #c64friends (IRC) Message boards Local Usenet

Telnet: | bbs.coldwinterknights.net:8888 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Resurrection of a 1990s-era Citadel-type BBS, built upon LambdaMOO code

Telnet: | bbs.cooldavid.org |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | cptalker.com:9900 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Space-themed 18+ chat

Telnet: | |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | wfido.ru:1234 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.ibbs.be |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | junglebbs.com |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | landofthelost.ca:2300 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
A custom built telnet project based on Dialup Chat (Ddial, STS, Gtalk) from the 80s and 90s with flavors of BBS throughout. Featuring Ansi Artwork by NITRON, variable baud rates, and linked into the ddial network which includes the MRC. Be sure to use Syncterm or Netrunner for extended colors.

Telnet: | bbs.fozztexx.com |
Modem: | 916-965-1701 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.vslib.cz |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | lilacbbs.com |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Chinese language BBS

Telnet: | lord.stabs.org |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
A large multi-node BBS where users from all over the world come to play Legend of the Red Dragon. The BBS hosts multiple LORD realms with different variations of IGM’s and settings.

Telnet: | bbs.newsmth.net |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | muinet.com:2323 |
SSH: | muinet.com:2233 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | SSH, Telnet |
An ever growing assortment of new and old mainframe and multiuser BBS-style games – Swords of Chaos, Lords of Cyberspace, Scepter, Galactic Conquest, et al. Use “muinet” for both login and password to access the system.

Telnet: | mutinybbs.com:2300 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Mutiny Community is a merger of real-time (IRC-like) chat and message boards. It is not a BBS that *has* chat and *has* message boards it is one thing that is both chat and message boards. It accomplishes this simply by persisting the entire chat backlog.

Telnet: | bbs.mysmth.net |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Chinese language BBS

Telnet: | nebbs.servehttp.com:9223 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
A custom BBS written in Perl that accepts both ANSI and ATASCII (Atari 8-bit) connections. Check out the website link above for more screenshots showing the ANSI/ATASCII comparisons.

Telnet: | bbs.nikom.org:2323 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Sands of Time (TextMMOde.com) is a text-mode MMO implemented as a telnet BBS. It is implemented in the space-based setting of a large galaxy with a hundred smaller connected star clusters. It allows online chatting between users on radio channels, includes a news system, allows the creation of user-owned corporations, and provides many other methods […]

Telnet: | |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Chinese language BBS.

Telnet: | telbox.net |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.2girl.net |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |