Public Electronic Networked Information System

Public Electronic Networked Information System
Modem: 956-300-2600
Location:Mesa, AZ, USA

Old computers are fun to use, especially online. Online services, though, are not very friendly to old computers! That’s why we have the P.E.N.I.S. You still need an 80 column terminal for the full experience, but it can get my old Atari, C64, Apple, Macintosh SE, and Amiga on Usenet, Gopher, IRC, WWW, etc!

To connect with dialup, type the entire name of the BBS with no spaces for both username and password. That’s: publicelectronicnetworkedinformationsystem

Joe Phigan
Author: Joe Phigan

He's just this guy, you know?

Connect to Public Electronic Networked Information System Now!

This BBS is using a non-standard telnet port (6502), the web telnet script may not work.